Hi Great Lake Neighbors (aka: Lake Peeps…)
Our January meeting kicked us off in the right way. Everyone present signed up for something big or small (we are making that a practice each time) before March 29th (our next meeting). I ask every email recipient to this letter to do the same – so if you come to a meeting or if you can’t make it, you still can commit to do at least one thing in between meetings to make a positive effect on our home. Whether it is picking up litter, volunteering in our neighborhood, buying sandwiches for homeless people who live here, volunteering to help out at the New Parkway (see below for one neighbor’s update) or whatever your mind can find to do.
If you want to go bigger then you can take on one of our bigger roles and spearhead something we all want to have steady progress on…or you can join one already in action that can use support. Everyone is so busy, support is always welcome to join into an already existing team.
Please write and share what you are signing on to before the next meeting so we can all know and feel more solidarity and momentum – I will likely keep this stuff anonymous because people feel differently about names out and we are getting big enough to keep mindful of that.
The subject of outreach to neighbors who don’t use computers/I’net is up again as it should be…we do need some dedicated people to take this on. Kathleen Prevost brought the idea of a flyer and also a newsletter. She is interested in pulling together the newsletter for our area and there was discussion about making doorknob flyers or flyers to hand out (say at Lucky’s, etc.) or finding a dedicated bulletin board that could be maintained somewhere, high-traffic & visible. If anyone has any feedback, ideas or wants to get involved in developing that PLEASE write and we can get that ball rolling.
We dedicated a lot of this meeting to events & Betsy (who heads the events crew – you get emails from her regularly) started a vision for our events this year and they are already off and running on them now. This Sunday (tomorrow) is our annual pancake outdoor (in the street/sidewalk) breakfast for everyone. I will re-attach the flyer if you want to see that. We have something going every month, so keep track of your emails to make sure you get to every event you can. If you have ideas, write me and I can get you tied into that scene, it is a lot of fun. Hopefully we can get a rough calendar out for the year so people can plan ahead. Keep an eye out in your email from Betsy about upcoming stuff.
Neighbor Gene H told the group about signing up to speak in the open forum the Friday before the Tuesday City Council meeting if what you have to address is not an agenized item.
Devin, who signed onto getting us all twitter established for emergency messages, etc., nailed a lot of it down while in the meeting. We are talking about using it with different categories that people can sign up for or not, ie: event alerts, in-process crimes, etc. More on that soon, please give feedback and ideas and if you are interested in getting that established.
I really liked a quote that Gene H gave us that completely applies to our everyone-get-involved-and-do-something-big-or-small strategy. It is:
"Every contribution is 100% of the whole"
I hope I got that right. Basically, what we mean to say is that no matter what you do and how you pitch in it is important, needed and valuable.
Thank you Regen for allowing us use of their great space for our meetings this year.
Okay, that is all for the moment…keep your eye on the website (
http://www.lakeneighbors.org/) and see you all a lot at the events & meetings (and also via email). See writing by neighbor Laura J below re: New Parkway. Our meetings calendar follows that. The pancake breakfast info for this Sunday follows that (if it rains, they will move it inside).
MUCH Friendship,
From Laura J about the last Art Murmur that included the New Parkway…
The evening was a huge success. Art Murmur was hopping and The New Parkway Building was packed. We think between 3,000 and 5,000 people came through. I was at the popcorn stand trying to make enough popcorn for every single one of them so I can't begin to tell you what else was going on. All I know is that a lot of the people in the popcorn line knew about the New Parkway, and even more were just flowing through, following the crowds and having a fine time. It gave all of us Parkway supporters a big lift to see we'll be a part of such a thriving neighborhood. And the Lake Neighbors were out in force!Laura
Lake Neighbors Meetings 2012
Location: Regeneration Church, 238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St and 3rd ALL Thursdays (dinner included):
March 29 - 6:30 to 8:30pm (Regeneration Church, Chapel room)
May 24 - 6:30 to 8:30pm (Regeneration Church, Chapel room)
July 26 - 6:30 to 8:30pm (Regeneration Church, Chapel room)
Sept. 27 - 6:30 to 8:30pm (Regeneration Church, Chapel room)
Nov. 15 - 6:30 to 8:30pm (Regeneration Church, Chapel room)
Our neighbors over at East 19th St. and 11th Ave are inviting everyone to an outdoor pancake breakfast!
When: Sunday, Feb 12, 11amWhere: On the sidewalk, E. 19th St & 11th AveWhat: Breakfast! Pancakes, frittatas, coffee, and more treats, including some glutten free goodies
Hosted by: Debra, Marcy, Jay, Christina, Denise, Laura and Andy
The hosts suggest that you bring a little something to share, like pancake toppings or something for the grill. Please come sit, chat with your neighbors and enjoy some good eats. IF IT RAINS, THEY WILL MOVE IT INSIDE! : )