Hi Lake Neighbors!
The meeting was interesting – with some of the new mix we got pulled into a few different unexpected tracks, but most felt it was productive. Thank you to PSO Officer Scott Hewitt, Lieutenant Ersie Joyner, City Councilmember Pat Kernighan, City Organizer Hoang Bahn for coming on a Saturday morning to our meeting. Come anytime to any of our meetings, you are always welcome. We did walk away Saturday with some additional strategies to add to our growing pile. A concise list follows under the “immediate safety issue” category below.
This particular newer group mugging people here unfortunately has a effective strategy, they make hits all at once all over w/a driver, they sometimes fan out on a street and always wear black hoodies (remember not all black hoodies mean a threat…we all probably have one, but our assessment skills are good). They target anyone – mostly elderly and even an entire family (searched the kids, too)…we go into the safety issue first…
* Use Whistle instead of yelling for help because it is more recognizable (OPD knows this)
* Tell all neighbors when you hear a whistle it means distress/need of help
* Start Night hikes with groups of 4 or more (healthy to walk and is meant to be fun and vigilant)
* Get walkie-talkies on your block (we use ch. 9)
* Meet your Neighbors on your block minimum (beyond is great)
* Eye contact and greet everyone around
* Offer bathroom stops for people working here to help us – Guardian Angels are around
* Approach, introduce and meet the police that are in our neighborhoods.
* Look at all cars around you when you are out – make sure they are empty
* Multiple males in black hoodies are the recent group – so be awake and aware.
* Walkie talkie noise is somewhat of a deterrent when you are out
* Sometimes saying what is up/hi is going to make you not selected for a crime…walking with fear or
distracted is more likely to attract a problem
* When calling dispatch say you’re calling about the series of robberies (it is prioritized)
* Call someone, leave line open & tell your location, if you are out & being approached (they can call,
and a robbery in process is prioritized)
* If robbed, cooperate fully – your stuff is not worth the risk.
* If robbed, leave your cards and cell active long enough for OPD to track them
* If robbed, take as much in visually as you can to recall later to OPD
* Get cell #’s of your own block neighbors (put in ph as “NBR Lateef” etc.)
* “Phone tree” w/ your block to call incidents in – higher priority with more calls in
* Cover tagging right away every time
* If something is happening & dispatch may be slow or no, call 3 neighbors and decide what
to do together (min of 3)
* When calling OPD emergency dispatch (510 777-3211) if you give your name, this up’s priority
* Email Captain Orozco & Ofcr Hewitt immediately on incidences after calling it in (they
have blackberries & it goes right away) ROrozco@oaklandnet.com, shewitt@oaklandnet.com
* CALL CALL CALL in everything – it may add to something later, it will be noted one way or other
response at times is immediate, and at times not at all – but do it anyway.
* Use luggage tag on your keys for id/bank card and don’t carry purse/bag when possible
* We will invite lead for city ofc in charge of streetlights to correct our situation of dim/no lighting
* We asked to be made a “project” by patrols so they can work continuously on our issue
OTHER News/Updates given at meeting: In the past 4 weeks OPD increased “robbery suppression” work and they have 3 wolf pack members in jail now, 19 people were arrested in the last few weeks (11 for robbery, 8 for weapons).
Hoang Bahn has a modified Neighborhood Watch in the works – we may use that if it certifies us.
Sean is looking into organizing great design/art on the always tagged PG&E boxes (Pat Kernighan is looking into that for him).
We want to find some Lake Neighbors to go to other neighborhood meetings to connect us all up more. Maybe Hoang can help make this easier.
There are currently no set hours at OPD’s auxillary office at Lucky’s (people were wondering).
1) Better consistency of fast response for dangerous incidents that are called in
(ie: burglaries in process, suspects in this recent wave seen in action, etc.).
2) Follow up and responsiveness to our burglaries/robberies when we call to find out.
3) OPD increase use of Lucky’s Auxillary office (we can help you have internet to helpt this)
4) Please ask your officers to meet us. Reach out and make the effort.
5) Please inform us about the latest arrests and changes in our area.
Questions: Is OPD checking ATM camera’s for the stolen ATM cards that are being used after muggings? What do you advise when we see a spread out group of males in black hoodies walking the entire width/span of the street/sidewalk on a street? Can we have the regular beat officers (not just the PSO’s) come out of their cars so we can see them – we see them, but in motion in vehicles.
We have many going. We have a continuous flow of great art exhibits and gigs and goings on in many different forms. We have the outdoor movies. We tried a recent new thing “happy hour” at one persons front steps so we meet people walking by, also and that was a big hit. People have hosted parties at their homes (BBQ’s, pie party, a word fast party, someone put together a guerilla cake fight that actually got rained out – but the ideas are boundless – be creative or be basic – anything is great). We have many ideas to grow and we need to have many people take this on and spread the active part.
We have a varied range of great and talented and good hearted people who are long standing members of this group who a great deal of experience working with youth and adults who have gotten into some really dangerous places and we want to work hard to meet them and get to know them and they get to know us. Lately we have had several new people attending that are expressing great interested in that approach. We must do that, we all agree – that is one of the prongs in our 3 pronged approach. We are pursuing this by approaching 2 programs in particular and also the DA’s office. We can seek being a part of restitution for people (youth and adults) arrested for crimes in this area – we want to have a sit down with people 1 at a time…the DA’s office is one place to seek this out. Suzanne B is going to contact one of the agencies, I will contact the other 2. Anyone who wants to spearhead this particular direction, please step up!