(sorry! my pile was just too high, so it took a minute to get this out to you all!)
The format we are using now in meetings (which covers everything well) is reports from present members who are leads on projects & here is what was shared. We always try to keep our meeting to a tight hour, so we were not able to get to everyone, but mostly.
ALTERNATIVE CURRENCY PROJECTDevin is planning to do a presentation about what this is and what it means and what it can be in our next meeting on May 11th. We have also put an explanation to start with on our website (YES! WE HAVE A WEBSITE! see below) He is working on a flyer to give out to local businesses for their participation...much more to report on that after next meeting! He is really motivated and has already received some specific offerings to post from some of our neighbors -- if you have not already sent him info on what you have to share or offer for trade, make sure you do soon!OUTREACHWe have a GREAT colorful postcard now, designed and printed by Carol and Brittany and it is beautiful. This has been distributed to any neighbor wanting to pass out our info and if you are interested you can contact me (Sasha) or get some at any meeting or event.
· Star Apple Edible Gardens is consulting with Funktown.
· We are starting neighborhood improvement project on E.17th in the abandoned house’s open garage (begun as a neighbor work crew earlier in the day prior to the meeting for Earth Day) and we are calling it G17 (garden 17!)…feel free to add plants or decorations or get on the watering list. The hardworking Earthday crew of neighbors was so much great and skilled comraderie that started off at Funktown (they even built stairs?!) and ended at Garden 17…then onto the meeting. Being outside and working right on the block is a great way to connect up and meet other neighbors passing by – we now have the postcard to hand out also.
· CSA (produce) Boxes are now available arranged by Betsy from Shooting Star CSA… About the Farm: You may have met Lily and Mat at FRESH. They donated one of those big beautiful boxes to the raffle. Check out their story at http://www.shootingstarcsa.com/About the CSA (Community Support Agriculture): A 28-week long seasonal adventure featuring the best tasting varieties of produce delivered to your neighborhood. Everything in your box is grown on Shooting Star's farm in Fairfield, and is organically grown. The 2010 season begins the week of May 24th and goes through the week of November 30th. Pick-up is expected be at Regen's Community Center, 215 E 15th, on Tuesdays, from approx. 4pm - 8pm. Membership rates are: Full Harvest Season, 28 weeks, $616 ($22/wk,Can be made in two payments of $308), Half Harvest Season, 14 weeks, $322 ($23/wk), 4 week sessions, $96 ($24/wk). Betsy is organizing a list of half-shares (split a box with someone) and CSA subs (when full time members go on vacation). Contact betsy.tyler@gmail.com or 803-566-1771 & let her know if you're interested in sharing or subbing. Visit the Farm: Shooting Star will kick of the season with an Open House and Strawberry Short Cake afternoon on Saturday, May 15, 2pm-5pm. Talk to Betsy if your interested in visiting the farm! (invite & flyer are attached to this email!)
Our next OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT has been changed to May 8th! This is a Saturday and it begins at sundown. Get there early and hang out because it is a lot of fun. BRING CHAIRS AND LAYERS in case it gets cold. We are still taking ideas about which movie to show – currently in the lead is “The Fabulous Mr. Fox.” Spread the word, bring all your friends.
Yes, it is true…we have a webmaster now – Carol C. She has designed a great website (her wife Brittany gets a lot of the shared credit for the huge amount of work they have both done to make this come to fruition so rapidly). Please take a look at it and give your feedback. Deadline to really finalize it will be May 15th. Also, we are looking for translators who can give the translated words to Carol and we can create pages for other neighbors here whose primary language is not English (we already have a person able to do a Spanish version). We will figure out how to change how we give info on the website vs. email and all that, so stay tuned and give your ideas.
This team did not get time to report – but is onto some great leads and will report in the next meeting.
Hope everyone is great. Keep contacting this group in any way you are able with your thoughts and needs and ideas and really try to show up and spread the word because it is working. The efforts to make things safer here are underway but are still very much needed, so stay awake , strong and positive.
Much Friendship,
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