The Lake Neighbors

This is a resource section for mtgs notes, upcoming events and discussions on all topics related to living in our neighborhood. for more info visit: or check out our facebook page!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lake Neighbors 2013 Meetings

Our first meeting is Thursday, January 17th – 6:30 to 8:30pm @ Regeneration Church (thank you great neighbor Regen!) 238 E. 15th Street @ the corner of E. 15th & 3rd Ave. in their Chapel room.
Thursday, January 17  -  6:30 to 8:30pm  (238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd
Thursday, March 7 -  6:30 to 8:30pm  (238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)
Thursday, May 16  -  6:30 to 8:30pm  
(238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)
Thursday, July 18 -  6:30 to 8:30pm   
(238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)
Thursday, Oct 3 -  6:30 to 8:30pm   
(238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013 - Here's the plan!

2013 begins and our brand new year unfolds – we look forward to a year full of events that bring us together more and more.   Our first meeting of the year is coming right up:  Thursday, January 26th – 6:30 to 8:30pm @ Regeneration Church (thank you great neighbor Regen!) 238 E. 15th Street @ the corner of E. 15th & 3rd Ave. in their Chapel room.
What ideas do you have for what you would like to see happen this year?  Actions and or events?  An outdoor movie is one we hear a lot – also a new idea for projecting an outdoor movie onto the Parkway Theater somehow (a group is currently trying to work that out) and a movie night at Portal restaurant (they seemed really interested).  We have had clean up days and outdoor pancake breakfast block parties (usually on Valentines Day and Mother’s Day) and safety/emergency prep trainings – we have had meetings, too!  We have 5 this year.  Here are the dates:
Thursday, January 17  -  6:30 to 8:30pm  (238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd
Thursday, March 7 -  6:30 to 8:30pm  (238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)
Thursday, May 16  -  6:30 to 8:30pm  
(238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)
Thursday, July 18 -  6:30 to 8:30pm   
(238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)
Thursday, Oct 3 -  6:30 to 8:30pm   
(238 E 15th St @ corner of E 15th St & 3rd)

They will include dinner – although we have agreed to try something different this year with the meetings which is to have neighbors volunteer to run them instead of me!  We have the first 2 meetings covered and if you are interested in running a meeting let us know and we can get you signed onto one of them – instructions are to involve everyone in speaking and keep things pro-active and away from extensive talk about the problems we already know well are going on – most of what we cover will be about what we want to do and how/who will do it…if you have an idea, put it out there but also get into action on it and seek support for it.  

We have over 350 members in our Lake Neighbors listserve sofar, so that is a lot of people that care about what happens here.  The meetings are kept positive – do not confront someone for their opinion or idea, no judgment – just respect, and positive regard and a focus on action.  This is so tough when everyone is so busy, so no guilt on anyone ever with level of effort put in – just keep at it, do all you can and whatever you do, it should be something that resonates for you and it can be big or small.  E-participation – as always – is very much appreciated and encouraged…write in and be involved in that way if that is all you can get to right now.  Participate and contribute your voice.

A few things we could use right now:
·                                    A person who can make dinner happen at meetings (if you have a food connection                                              someplace?  We can advertise for the donor)
·                                   A few people to push events through the shoot – track them, plan then and support                              events others want to create...
I want to again thank Regeneration Church, who has let us use their space for our meetings in their chapel room right off the sanctuary.  Regen is a great neighbor and has never said no to ANY of our needs or requests no matter how odd and never any mention of membership.  This group is not affiliated with any church – only all neighbors. 

Okay, so that is it for the moment!  Thank you for reading and I hope we all see eachother a lot!  See you at the next meeting…

MUCH Friendship,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013