The Lake Neighbors

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

emergency numbers to remember

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oakland Police
Emergency: (510) 777-3211
Non-Emergency: (510) 777-3333


I live on the 600 block of Athol Avenue. My friend and neighbor across the street asked me to let everyone know what happened this morning. Two men with knives broke into her house while she and her 7 year old son were sleeping, around 5am. One of them held her while the other took her laptop, family jewelry, and bank card -- all right in front of her son.

They managed to get in through a tiny window on the side of the house which was cracked for air. An important fact to note is they broke in on the side of the house that is next to a house that the neighbors recently moved out of -- they knew that no one would hear them because the house next door was empty.

Please be more aware of keeping your windows closed at night and your doors always locked. Also, some people may not be aware that when calling from a cell phone, 911 gets routed to the CHP somewhere else. Remember to dial the following emergency number if using a cell phone: (510) 777-3211. You may want to program it into your cell phone.

It's okay to call the non-emergency line if you see something out of the ordinary. If you see something like a person just sitting in the driver's seat of a car that isn't one of your neighbors, that is a red flag. OPD's advice is always to be aware of your surroundings, say hello to your neighbors, know who lives on your block, and look out for each other.

Thanks and take care.

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