The Lake Neighbors

This is a resource section for mtgs notes, upcoming events and discussions on all topics related to living in our neighborhood. for more info visit: or check out our facebook page!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chicken Coop Expansion Project

By now most of you probably know that we have been planning a chicken coop expansion. The goal is to give our dear hens (26 total!) additional raccoon-proof activity space while keeping them from destroying our plant beds (they will still be let "free to roam" while supervised). The plan is to extend their coop to the barn, enclosing the compost area.

This project has been dubbed Project Hen-way, and it's happening this Saturday, the 26th at 10am - please join us! (If raining we will post-pone; if the weather's "iffy" look for an email as to what we decide).

We normally don't ask for RSVP's, but since this is a big project, it would be helpful to know how many hands we'll have on deck. Please let us know if you can help and also if you're able to bring any tools or supplies - see list below. No set completion time - we'll just work until we're finished - it's ok if you can't stay for all of it or need to arrive late. Any help at any time is appreciated!

Hope to see you there!

Below are a couple lists made up for Project Henway.

These are the supplies we'll need -

Galvanized single strand wire: 60' - 80'
Smaller gauge wire for weaving chicken wire together: 100'
48" Chicken wire: 90 lf or 36" chicken wire: 124'
Eye bolts: 10
Staples for a staple gun
3" Screws: 20
1 1/2" Screws: one box
180 degree hinges: 2
hasp and combo lock
Probably, after the round of donations this weekend, we won't need any more wood.

Project Manager Andy has a lot of stuff, but If people are coming to help and can bring tools that would be very handy (especially ladders and handtools such as hammers, flat bars, wire cutters, tape measures) Below are some of the things that will be needed. If people are going to bring some of the larger items please let us know.

Post hole digger
Measuring tape
work gloves & safety glasses if you're going to operate power tools
staple gun
flat bar
battery operated screw gun
skill saw
extension cord
wire cutter

We weren't able to set the posts this weekend due to weather which will slow us down, but Andy thinks we may be able to get through it all anyway. We'll convene at the garden in the morning, unload tools, see if any material donations have shown up, and will send someone off to the store to pick up whatever else is needed. Assuming we have enough tools and volunteers we can start some people on removing nails or screws from donated wood, some digging post holes and some fastening eye bolts and wire between structures and some weaving chicken wire together.

(e-mail courtesy of Skye and Laura, thanks you two!)

Hope to see everyone there!

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